I've decided to take a new approach to Sundays.
I want to try to redefine Sunday as the start of my week instead of the end of my weekend. Here's my theory: How I start my week tends to be indicative of the rest of it. Keeping Monday as the kickoff to the week will get me nowhere. Who has good Mondays? Consistently? No one.
I've had a fantastic Sunday ergo I should have a fantastic week. I woke up at 10 a.m. I could have slept in, but I still got 9 hours of sleep and didn't want to waste my day. I put the load of laundry I did overnight on the drying rack and realized I had washed all four pairs of my jeans. The goal was to prevent them from staining other clothes a grayish blue as they did my camisole. Girls from other apartments have experienced similar problems with their washers: despite how many times I've washed these clothes at home without bleeding, everything here seems set on being the same gross shade of gray-blue. Well I kept my clothes their respective colors but left myself with no presentable pants for the day. Yoga pants set the mood. I ate my daily dose of yogurt and granola, took all my nutrition supplements (you're welcome, mom) and cleaned the apartment while dancing to music and letting fresh air pour in through the open window. It felt like the end of April. I slung an empty backpack over my shoulder and walked to Billa with a spring in my step. I returned home lugging a backpack plus two bags' worth of food for the week: pasta, yogurt, milk, various fruit, pesto and veggies — lots and lots of veggies. The 99 Cent store is still out of basil and oregano, and I refuse to pay any more than a euro for either, so it looks like the next few days may be a little bland and definitely basil-less. At least we're not out of garlic powder. Heaven forbid.
I made myself a salad with my home-mixed Italian dressing, then gathered my homework and headed to school. For the past four hours I've been spread out at a table, listening to The Fratellis and doing homework, but mostly chair-dancing embarrassingly to the music. In between head bobs and too-loud foot tapping, I sorted out all of the information I need to get for scholarships, caught up on emails and read several news articles.
In line with the rest of the day, I am going to finish it up with trying to make a lentil dish for dinner, Skype with my parents and reading.
A fantastic, productive Sunday.
Here's to an equally great week. I hope yours is as well. Next week, try taking advantage of your Sunday.
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